Verification of certification numbers on the PCGS Certification Database does not eliminate the risk of buying counterfeit and altered coins. Though uncommon, counterfeiters may also counterfeit PCGS grading inserts using actual certification numbers derived from public sources. When you see a PCGS coin or PCGS Banknote for sale, you can verify the authenticity and grade of the item by entering the certificate number in the above box. The unique certificate number is printed on the label and is securely encapsulated with the collectible. It's easy to verify the authenticity of your PCGS certified coin. In this short video, PCGS explains the process. First, visit Enter a coin's certification number to confirm its description and grade in NGC's online database.
Pcgs Verify Number On Slab
- About Us Read more
ICG has been grading and authenticating coins, tokens and medals from around the world for collectors and dealers since accepting the first submission in December of 1998.
- The ICG Slab Read more
ICG uses a unique, state-of-the-art, tamper-resistant holder with a custom hologram system and specialty plastics making the holder one of the least counterfeited in the industry.
- The Coin Grading Process Read more
When you send a submission to us, your coins will go through four steps in order to ensure every coin that ICG grades is accurate, secure, and properly cared for while it is in our possession.